For as long as I can remember, taking photographs has fascinated me - capturing a special moment, a certain atmosphere, expression or emotion, or simply the uniqueness of a person.
Being a biologist, I spend a lot of time with nature photography (if you're interested, check out www.deepgreenphoto.com) but people photography is captivating me more and more. Most of my photographs are taken outdoors and with naturally available light. I like creating `honest´ portraits - simple and authentic - but I also love playing around with colours, shapes and textures.
Some of my work can also be found here:
All photographs and contents published on this website are the exclusive property of Jenny Theobald and are protected under international copyright laws. None of the contents may be reproduced, copied, manipulated, published or used in any other way without my express written permission.
If you wish to use an image, please contact me.
(Alle Bilder und Inhalte auf dieser Webseite unterliegen dem Urheberrecht und dürfen ohne mein schriftliches Einverständnis nicht vervielfältigt, verfremdet, veröffentlicht oder in anderer Weise genutzt werden. Sollten Sie Interesse an meinen Fotos haben, bitte kontaktieren Sie mich.)